Stranger: Oyo ?
Bot: Good question. I'm not sure how to answer that. Please try rewording your question. I understand simple questions best.
Stranger: You should
Stranger: it's a simply question on the meaning of life
Stranger: i think you're worry about why all this thing are happening?
Stranger: what is the fucking meaning of all this?
Bot: If you rely on the training you receive in the Army, you will be prepared for any situation.
Stranger: I don't
Stranger: the army is a philosophy
Stranger: a way of living
Bot: Army Values are a way of Life. Loyalty, Honor and Respect are just a few of the Army's Core Values.
Stranger: i learn to pack my junk in five minutes and how to write a letter to my mom "i'm not gay, luv u mum"
Stranger: Kra20kra oé o/
Bot: Good question. I'm not sure how to answer that. Please try rewording your question. I understand simple questions best.
Stranger: How many e could you read in the sentence "Is there a elephant in Michael Jackson's bathroom?"
Bot: Whether in training or during the work day, Soldiers are provided ample time to use latrines. While the shower area during basic training doesn't provide much privacy, the bathroom, restroom, or toilet do afford a measure of privacy. Latrines vary from standard gender specific public restrooms to portable toilets to crude field setups.
Stranger: Oyo?